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TTlock App Smart door lock Settings—Download.pdf

26 Jul

Tlock App is a smart lock management software, home door locks, indoor door locks, hotel, apartment door locks, parking lots
Locks, safe locks, bike locks, etc. This application communicates with the lock via Bluetooth BLE, and can
Unlock, lock, firmware upgrade, read operation records, etc. The Bluetooth key can also open the door and fix the watch. The app supports Chinese language,
Traditional Chinese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, French and Malay.


1.registration and login

1.1 security question settings

1.2 login authentication

1.3 ways of identifying

1.4 login successful

2.lock management

2.1 lock adding

2.2 lock upgrading

2.3 error diagnosis and timecalibration

2.4 authorized administrator

3.key management

3.1 key management

3.2 deadline warning

3.4 search lock record

4. passcode management

4.1 permanent passcode

4.2 time-limited passcode

4.3 one-time passcode

4.4 clear code

4.5 cyclic passcode

4.6 customized passcode

4.7 passcode sharing

4.8 passcode management

5.card management

6.fingerprint management

7.bluetooth unlocking

8. attendance management

9.system setting

9.1 user management

9.2 group management settings

9.3 transfer admin rights

9.4 recycle bin

9.5 customer service

9.6 about

10.gateway management

10.1 gateway adding

10.2 manual

1.registration and login

Users can register the account by mobile phone and Email which currently support200 countries and regions on the world. The verification code will be sent to user’s mobilephone or email, and the registration will be successful after the verification.

1.1 security question settings

You will be taken to the security question settings page when registration issuccessful. When log in on a new device, the user can authenticate himself byanswering the above questions.

1.2     Login  Authentication

Log in with your mobile phone number or email account on the login page. Themobile phone number is automatically recognized by the system and does not inputthe country code. If you have forgotten your password, you can go to the passwardpage to reset your password. When reset the password, you can receive a verificationcode from your mobile phone and email address.

When the account is logged in on thenew mobile phone, it needs to be verified.When it is passed, you can log in on the new mobile phone. All the data can be viewedand used on the new mobile phone.

1.3 ways of identifying

There are two ways of security verification. One is the way to get the verificationcode via the account number, and the other is the way to answer the question. If thecurrent account is set the “answer the question” verification, then when the new deviceis logged in, there will be an “answer question verification” option.

1.4    login  successful

The first time you use the lock lock app, if there is no lock or key data in theaccount, the home page will display the button to add the lock. If there is already a lockor key in the account, the lock information will be displayed.

2. lock management

The lock must be added on the app before it can be used, The addition of a lockrefers to the initialization of the lock by communicating with the lock via Bluetooth.Please stand beside the lock. Once the lock is added successful, you can manage thelock with the app including sending a key, sending a password, and so on.

When the lock is added, the adder becomesthe administrator of the lock. At the same time, thelock cannot enter the setup mode by touching thekeyboard. This lock can only be re-added after thecurrent administrator has deleted the lock. Theoperation of deleting the lock needs to be done byBluetooth beside the lock.

2.1 lock adding

The App supports multiple types of lock, including door locks, padlocks, safe locks,smart lock cylinders, parking locks, and bicycle locks. When adding a device, you mustfirstly select the lock type. The lock needs to be added to the app after entering the settingmode. A lock that has not been added will enter the setting mode as long as the lockkeyboard is touched. The lockthat has been added needs to be deleted on the Appfirst.

The initialization data of the lock needs to be uploaded to the network. The dataneeds to be uploaded when the network is available to complete the entire wholeadding process.

2.2 lock upgrading

User can upgrade the lock hardware on the APP. The upgrade needs to be done viaBluetooth next to the lock. When the upgrade is successful, the original key, password,IC card, and fingerprint can continue to be used.

2.3 error diagnosis and time calibration

Error diagnosis aims to help analyse the system problems. It needs to be done viaBluetooth beside the lock. If there is a gateway, the clock will be calibrated firstlythrough the gateway. If there is no gateway, it needs to be calibrated by the mobilephone Bluetooth.

2.4 Authorized administrator

Only the administrator can authorize the key. When the authorization is successful,the authorized key is consistent with the administrator’s interface. He can send keys toothers, sendpasswords, andmore. However, the authorizedadministrator can nolonger authorize others.

3.key management

After the administrator successfully adds the lock, he owns the highest administrativerights to the lock. He can send keys to others. Meanwhile he can increase the key manage-ment that is about to expire.

Click the type of lock it will show the time-limited
ekey, one-time ekey and permanent ekey.
Time-limited ekey: The ekey is valid for the specifiedtime
Permanent ekey: The ekey can be used permanently.One-time ekey: the ekey will be automatically deletedonce it has been used.

3.1 key management

The manager can delete ekey, reset ekey, send and adjust the ekey, meanwhile he cansearch the lock record.

3.2 deadline warning

System will show two colors for deadline warning. The yellow means close to expiring andthe red means it has expired.

3.3 search lock record

The administrator can query the unlock record ofeach key.

4. passcode management

After inputting the passcode on the keyboard of the lock, press the unlock buttonto unlock. Passcodes are classified into permanent, time-limited, one-time, empty,loop, custom, etc.

4.1 permanent passcode

The permanent passcode must be used within 24hours after it is generated, otherwise it will automaticallyexpire.

4.2 time-limited passcode

The time-limited passcode can own an expirationdate, which is a minimum of one hour and a maximumof three years. If the validity period is within one year,the time can be accurate to the hour; if the validityperiod is more than one year, the accuracy is month.When the time-limited passcode is valid, it should beused within 24 hours, otherwise it will automaticallyexpire.

4.3 one-time passcode

One-time passcode can only be used for onetime, and which is available for 6 hours.

4.4 clear code

Clear code is used to delete all the passcodes thelock has set, and which is available for 24 hours.

4.5 cyclic passcode

The cyclic password can be reused within a specifiedtime period, including daily type, weekday type,weekend type, and more.

4.6 custom passcode

User can set any passcodes and validity period hewants.

4.7 passcode sharing

The system add new communication ways ofFacebook Messenger and Whatsapp to help users sharethe passcode.

4.8 passcode management

All generatedpasscodes can be viewed and managed in the password manage-ment module. This includes the right of changing the password, deleting thepassword, resetting the password, and unlocking the password.

5. card management

You need to add the IC card first. The wholeprocess needs to be done via the app beside thelock. The validity period of the IC card can be set,either permanent or time-limited.

All IC cards canbe
through the IC card manage-ment module. The remote card issuance function is
displayed in the case of a gateway. If there is no
gateway, the item is hidden.

6.fingerprint management

Fingerprint management is similar to IC card management. After adding a fingerprint,you can use the fingerprint to unlock the door.

7. unlock via Bluetooth

App User can lock the door via Bluetoothand can also send the Bluetooth ekey to anyone.

● unlock by App

Click the round button at the top of the page to unlock the door. Since theBluetooth signal has a certain coverage, please use the APP within the certain area.

8.attendance management

The APP is access control, which can be used for company attendance manage-ment. The app contains functions of employee management, attendance statistics andso on.

All 3.0 door locks have attendance functions. The normal door lock attendancefunction is turned off by default. The user can turn it on or off in the lock settings.

9.system setting

In the system settings, it includes touch unlockswitch, group management, gateway management,security settings, reminder, transfer smart lock andso on.

Touch unlock setting determines whether youcan open  the door by touching the lock.

9.1 user management

The user name and phone number can be seen in the user list. Click thecustomer you want to view to get the door lock information.

9.2 key groups management

In the case of a large number of keys, you can usegroup management module.

9.3 transfer admin rights

The administrator can transfer the lock to other users or to the apartment(Room Master user). Only the account that manages the lock has the right totransfer the lock.After inputting the account, you will receive a verification code. Filling in thecorrect number, you will transfer successfully.

The account of the apartment transfer receive must be the administrator account.

9.4 Lock recycling station

If the lock is damaged and cannot bedeleted, the lock can be deleted bymoving it into the recycling station.

9.5 Customer service

The user can consult and give feedback through the Al customer service


the wisapartment Smart Home APP offers the following features

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